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How Much Does Teeth Cleaning Cost in Dubai? Explained

Teeth cleaning, a fundamental dental procedure for maintaining oral health, varies in cost across Dubai due to several influencing factors. Here’s a detailed exploration of what determines teeth cleaning costs in this vibrant city.

Understanding Teeth Cleaning:

Teeth Cleaning Cost in Dubai, also known as dental prophylaxis, involves the removal of plaque, tartar, and stains from the teeth. This procedure is crucial for preventing dental issues like cavities and gum disease, promoting overall oral hygiene and a brighter smile.

Factors Influencing Costs:

The cost of teeth cleaning in Dubai is influenced by several key factors:

  • Dental Clinic Location: The geographical location within Dubai can significantly impact costs, with clinics in prime areas generally charging higher fees due to higher operational expenses.

  • Type of Dental Clinic: Different types of dental clinics, ranging from basic practices to high-end facilities, offer varying levels of service and amenities, affecting pricing accordingly.

  • Dentist's Expertise and Reputation: The experience and reputation of the dentist performing the cleaning can influence costs. Specialists or highly reputed dentists may charge more for their services.

  • Type of Cleaning Required: Routine cleaning (scaling and polishing) is less expensive compared to deep cleaning procedures (root planing and scaling), which are more intensive and thus cost more.

  • Additional Services: Services such as dental X-rays, fluoride treatments, or specialized cleaning techniques like air polishing may incur additional costs.

Average Cost Range:

In Dubai, the cost of teeth cleaning typically ranges from AED 250 per session. This range can vary based on the factors mentioned above, with additional procedures or complex cases potentially increasing the overall cost.

Types of Teeth Cleaning Procedures:

Dental clinics in Dubai offer various types of teeth cleaning procedures, each with its pricing considerations:

  • Routine Scaling and Polishing: This basic cleaning procedure focuses on removing surface stains and plaque and is generally the least expensive option.

  • Deep Cleaning (Root Planing and Scaling): Recommended for patients with gum disease or significant tartar buildup, this procedure is more intensive and thus more costly.

  • Air Polishing: A modern cleaning technique using a jet of air, water, and fine powder particles to remove stains and plaque. It may be priced differently depending on the clinic.

Insurance Coverage:

Some dental insurance plans in Dubai may cover part or all of the costs associated with teeth cleaning. It's advisable to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage and any potential out-of-pocket expenses.

Choosing a Dental Clinic:

When selecting a dental clinic for teeth cleaning in Dubai, consider the following factors:

  • Reputation and Reviews: Seek clinics with positive patient reviews and a strong reputation for providing quality dental care.

  • Cost Transparency: Ensure the clinic provides clear pricing information and discusses any potential additional costs upfront to avoid surprises.

  • Dentist's Qualifications: Verify the qualifications and experience of the dentist who will perform the cleaning to ensure competent care.


Understanding the factors influencing teeth cleaning costs in Dubai empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their oral health care. By considering location, clinic type, dentist expertise, and procedure type, patients can choose a dental provider that meets their needs and budget, ensuring they receive quality dental care for maintaining a healthy smile and overall well-being.

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